Trainer Development

Headsight’s training services are delivered by world-class trainers. Our Trainer Development Programmes give your trainers the expertise and confidence to deliver Headsight courses to our exacting standards.

Develop and share your expertise

Headsight offers organisations the opportunity to work in partnership with us to deliver two of our most popular courses.

Through our trainer development programmes your trainers will gain the knowledge and skills to deliver our courses in house for your own staff as part of a broader capacity and sustainability strategy.

These programmes are designed to be delivered by existing and experienced trainers within your organisation. We do not train people to become trainers, we offer your trainers new and exciting opportunites to develop their skills through delivering our courses.

After sucessfully completing the trainer development course, organisations will be licenced to offer Headsight products for their staff.

Trainer Development Programmes

Deliver the courses below to staff within your organisation:

Developing Therapeutic Skills

Explore the emotional and psychological development of children and young people and learn new approaches for those needing additional support.


Non-Violent Resistance

NVR is a model for practice which has been developed for aggressive, violent, controlling and self-destructive behaviour in children & young people.