Understanding and Responding to Shame
What is shame and why do we experience it? During this interactive training these questions will be answered along with recognising defences against shame, shame based behaviours and how to respond to toxic shame.
Shame is one of the most powerful and potentially overwhelming emotions that we can experience. For those who have experienced early neglect, separation or abuse almost anything can trigger a shame response. These responses can be extreme, ranging from blind rage through to complete disconnection from those around them, (disassociation). Knowing how to recognise and respond to shame is a core therapeutic skill for anyone working with those who may be affected.
By the end of the day, participants will:
- Understand the purpose of shame within society
- Know the difference between ‘normal’ and toxic shame
- Identify signs that children & people may be experiencing shame
- Recognise the ways that children & young people respond when shame is triggered
- Be able to use a variety of strategies to support children experiencing toxic shame
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Did you know?
Headsight director Hannah Clarke dressed up as Dr shame to discuss the impacts of shame at the Maybo conference in 2019. Check out the video on the News and Views page.