Understanding Parental Substance Misuse
Arm yourself with the knowledge and skills to assess the risks of parental substance abuse - and act in the best interests of the impacted child.
The experience of children living with, and affected by, parental substance use has become widely known as ‘Hidden Harm’, following the report by the UK Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs in 2003 and 2006. The phrase “Hidden Harm” encapsulates the 2 key features of that experience: the children are often not known to services; and they suffer harm in a number of ways through physical and emotional neglect.
This course will explore:
- The risks associated with parental substance misuse
- The impact of parental substance misuse on child development
- The impact of substance misuse on parenting
- The perceptions of risk to differing patterns and types of misuse
- Up-to-date information on the effects of substances
- Current practice and research to empower you to respond to child protection concerns appropriately
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